Bill requiring water bottle filling stations heads to Pritzker's desk
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WAND) — Illinois is one step closer to requiring water bottle filling stations inside large buildings.
The change would apply to any new public buildings with an occupancy of over 100 people and properties that are 5,000 square feet or larger.
State law requires water fountains in public buildings, but Democratic lawmakers say their plan would encourage more people to use their own bottles instead of having more plastic in landfills.
Sponsors say more people are using their own water bottles or containers to reduce plastic and help the environment.
"It's an initiative of the Illinois Environmental Council," said Rep. Jenn Ladisch Douglas (D-Elmhurst). "It's supported by the Sierra Club, the Illinois Public Health Institute, the American Heart Association, and numerous members of this body.
The legislation passed out of the House on a 85-23 vote. Senate Bill 1715 now heads to Gov. JB Pritzker's desk for his signature of approval.
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